Coach training

Welcome, coach! You are in Soccer School. Here you will be able to find a large database with soccer training and exercises for all ages: From grassroots soccer to amateur categories.

We want to count on you to grow our community at Escuela de Fútbol! Dare to collaborate and share your own soccer exercises with us. We want to build together a large database that benefits players, coaches and football fans around the world. Your contribution will be essential to enrich our content and offer our users a variety of innovative exercises. Share your routines, techniques and strategies, and together we will create a platform where everyone can learn, grow and enjoy football to the fullest. Join us and together we will build a strong and passionate community!

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All the soccer exercises that you will find are accompanied by an image and an illustrative video so that you do not have any doubts when carrying it out in your training session. Of course, each task has a series of objectives and instructions that you can tell your players to get the most out of the exercise and your session: